125 Mutlukent, Çankaya, Ankara. 06585 

  Phone: +90 312 210 01 00


  Fax: +90 312 210 00 22


About us

This section reaffirms the importance of high standards of business conduct. Adherence to this Code of Business Ethics and Conduct by all employees is the only sure way we can merit the confidence and support of the public.

Many of us came from a culture that provided answers or direction for almost every situation possible. Managing our business was not so complex, the dilemmas we faced were—for the most part—simple, making our choices relatively easy. We would probably all agree that managing in today’s environment is not so simple.

This code has been prepared as a working guide and not as a technical legal document. Thus, emphasis is on brevity and readability rather than providing an all-inclusive answer tospecific questions. For example, the term “employee” is used in its broadest sense and refers to every officer and employee of the company and its subsidiaries. The word “law” refers to laws, regulations, orders, etc.

In observance of this code, as in other business conduct, there is no substitute for common sense. Each employee should apply this code with common sense and the attitude of seeking full compliance with the letter and spirit of the rules presented. It is incumbent upon you, as an employee of the company to perform satisfactorily and to follow our policies and comply with our rules as they are issued or modified from time to time.

These policies and rules are necessary to effectively manage the business and meet the everchanging needs of the marketplace. Good performance and compliance with business rules lead to success. Both are crucial since our ability to provide you with career opportunities depends totally upon our success in the marketplace. Nonetheless, changes in our economy, our markets and our technology are inevitable. Indeed, career opportunities will vary between the individual companies. For these reasons, we cannot contract or even imply that your employment will continue for any particular period of time. While you might terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause, we reserve that same right.

This relationship might not be modified, except in writing signed by an appropriate representative of the company. This Code of Business Ethics and Conduct is a general guide to acceptable and appropriate behavior at the company and you are expected to comply with its contents; however, it does not contain all of the detailed information you will need during the course of your employment. Nothing contained in this code or, in other communications, creates or implies an employment contract or term of employment. We are committed to reviewing our policies continually. Thus, this code might be modified or revised from time to time.

You should familiarize yourself with this code so that you might readily distinguish any proposal or act that would constitute a violation. Each employee is responsible for his actions. Violations can result in disciplinary action, including dismissal and criminal prosecution. There will be no reprisal against an employee who in good faith reported a violation or suspected violation.

The absence of a specific guideline practice or instruction covering a particular situation does not relieve an employee from exercising the highest ethical standards applicable to the circumstances. If any employee has doubts regarding a questionable situation that might arise, that employee should immediately consult his supervisor or higher level.