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  Phone: +90 312 210 01 00


  Fax: +90 312 210 00 22

Political contribution

Federal law and many state laws prohibit contributions by corporations to political parties or candidates. The term “political contributions” includes, in addition to direct cash contributions, the donation of property or services, and the purchases of tickets to fundraising events. Employees can make direct contributions of their own money, but such contributions are not reimbursable. In addition, employees can make contributions to a company-sponsored Political Action Committee.

Where corporate political contributions are legal in connection with state, local or foreign elections, such contribution shall be made only from funds allocated for that purpose, and with the written approval of the president of the company making the contribution. The amounts of contributions made shall be subject to inter-company allocation.

It is improper for an employee to use his position within the company to solicit political contributions from another employee for the purpose of supporting a political candidate or influencing legislation. It is also improper for an employee to make a political contribution in the name of the company.