125 Mutlukent, Çankaya, Ankara. 06585 

  Phone: +90 312 210 01 00

  Fax: +90 312 210 00 22


Fair Competition

The company supports competition based on quality, service and price. We will conduct our affairs honestly, directly and fairly. To comply with the antitrust laws and our policy of fair competition, employees:

  • Must never discuss with competitors any matter directly involved in competition between us and the competitor (e.g. sales price, arketing strategies, market shares and sales policies).
  • Must never agree with a competitor to restrict competition by fixing prices, allocating markets or other means.
  • Must not arbitrarily refuse to deal with or purchase goods and services from others simply because they are competitors in other respects.
  • Must not require others to buy from us before we will buy from them.
  • Must not require customers to take from us a service they don’t want just so they can get one theydo want.
  • Must never engage in industrial espionage or commercial bribery.
  • Must be accurate and truthful in all dealings with customers and be careful to accurately represent the quality, features and availability of company products and services.