125 Mutlukent, Çankaya, Ankara. 06585 

  Phone: +90 312 210 01 00


  Fax: +90 312 210 00 22


The applicable laws and regulatory orders of every jurisdiction in which the company operates must be followed. Each employee is charged with the responsibility of acquiring sufficient knowledge of the laws and orders relating to his duties in order to recognize potential dangers and to know when to seek legal advice.

In particular, when dealing with public officials, employees must adhere to the highest ethical standards of business conduct. When we seek the resolution of regulatory or political issues affecting the company’s interests we must do so solely on the basis of merit and pursuant to proper procedures in dealing with such officials. Employees may not offer, provide or solicit, directly or indirectly, any special treatment or favor in return for anything of economic value or the promise or expectation of future value or gain. In addition, there shall be no entertaining of employees of the U.S. Government. 

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

No employee will engage in activity that might involve the employee or the company in a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act requires that the company’s books and records accurately and fairly reflect all transactions and that we maintain a system of internal controls; transactions conform to management’s authorizations; and the accounting records are accurate. No employee will falsely report transactions or fail to report the existence of false
transactions in the accounting records. Employees certifying the correctness of records, including vouchers or bills, should have reasonable knowledge that the information is correct and proper.

Under the Act, it is also a federal crime for any U.S. business enterprise to offer a gift, payment or bribe, or anything else of value, whether directly or indirectly, to any foreign official, foreign political party or party official, or candidate for foreign political office for the purpose of influencing an official act or decision, or seeking influence with a foreign government in order to obtain, retain or direct business to the company or to any person.Even if the payment is legal in the host country, it is forbidden by the Act and violates U.S. law.